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Basic & Advance Level

Become master in making portraits in rangoli.
Learn creating realistic effects and textures in portraits.
You will learn the following in this session:
Rangoli Techniques
Drawing images in perfect ratio.

Depth and shadows
Using depth to enhance picture.
Color pallate
Choosing basic colors and making pallet.

Deep Understanding
Highlighting the most important part.

Grid Drawing
Correct positionig of head and face in the portrait.

Finalizing the entire artwork.
Exclusive Features
They will get life time support for guidance on improvement of art work, in competitions and other knowledgeable activities.
This course will bring refinement in the work.
You can become an realistic rangoli artist.

Mentor : Pramod Sahu & Team Chhapaak
Starting from 12 Feb. - 5 April.
Total Sessions - 40 (8 week)
Weekly : 5 Session
Days : Monday to Friday.
Morning Batch : 11:00pm to 1:00pm
Venue : Chhapaak Institute of Art & Design,
Behind ASG Eye Hospital, Shankar Nagar, Raipur.
Only Seats : 8 in a batch I Eligibility : 15 years and above I Fee : 10,000 INR
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